Saturday, February 25, 2012

Paper Piecing Practice

This is where it starts.

With a pattern specially designed for
paper piecing printed on paper
also specially designed for paper piecing.

And this is where it ends.

There are a few steps (really a lot) in between. This might be boring
but I'm gonna do a quick run-through of the process
because I took 45 photos.

First I have to make some templates for the innies and outies
(some people call them concave and convex, but I can never remember which is which)

To do this I use a heavy template plastic to which I have glued the printed
copies of the pieces and then I pretty much cut (exactly) on
the lines.

Now, I cut pieces of fabric that are a little larger than
the amount needed to cover the area of the pattern.
See my cute little scrap bag with the elephants? I got this fabric (and most of the fabric
for this project) in a mystery scrap pack I ordered from
Hawthorne Threads. 
The mailman brought me three more yards of the elephants today.  (Hint:
buy stock in Hawthorne Threads.   My new favorite go to
shop for on-line purchases which I can coordinate with fabrics from my local quilt shop.)

Next the pieces are pinned to the paper, stitched on the lines, flipped and ironed.
Man, I am starting to bore my self with this post. 

sew, sew, sew

Basically, you just keep doing it till it looks like this.

 Then like this. 


Then like this.

Here is where the templates come in to cut the innies and outies. 
(spell check thinks they are inners and outers???)

cut,cut, cut

 Sew it all together, and you have this.

Even a caveman could do it.


sewhappychick said...

Hi Jenny!! I want to do this New York Beauty group but can't figure out how to join..... Got my blog up. Nothing great yet lol but hope to have something fun to show soon. I just need to get the hang of blogging....

peacedgoods said...

How fun!!! did you click on the button in the upper right hand corner of my blog??? do that and go the the february 15 post. I got a new machine yesterday. the Jamome Horizon. I am sooooooo excited about it. Debbie and I will be in Saturday, if not before.

Katy Cameron said...

Well done :o) Thanks for the comment on my blog, alas, you're a no-reply blogger, so I couldn't reply to your message directly, however yes, I think the backstitching would work fine, I've just found mine hold without it.