Thursday, April 12, 2012

Light as a feather

Look what the postman left me whilst I was at the quilt shop.

I got home and found a big box on the kitchen table.  I was
not expecting it till Saturday, and all I could do was try not to think about it.
I got it on Ebay.

So now the PeacedGoods Studio
has become the PeacedGoods singer repair shop.

I didn't get her up and running until this morning. 
Thankfully, everything you need to know about these little girls in on the web.

And I needed to know how to take the bobbin case apart to
dislodge a piece of thread that was stopping her from sewing.
I got up at 5 am to do this.

Here she is all dismantled,
and the offending thread removed and properly disposed of.

And here she is sewing merrily along. 

Tomorrow, instead of going to the studio to sew in my
jammies with a cup of coffee,
I'm going to curl my hair,
put on some lipstick and my best frock and pearls and grab
a bouquet of fresh flowers.

This could change the way I sew, forever.


Karina said...

Seriously...I wish I looked that calm and beautiful when I sew! :)

peacedgoods said...

She must have nothing elso to do. Wouldn't that be nice???