Sunday, February 24, 2013

progress on the house

Here is how things are shaping up.

I love this railing.  Not sure what we are going to do
about the steps and floor of the porch.  If we
can, I want to paint it.

Here is the front with the shutter on the big window.

Here is the back, with a shutter on the little window.
I wanted lattice on the garden side of the porch
so Daisy would not get under it.  We had just propped
and old board up against it.

Here is Daisy on the porch.
I want to paint the floor and just
put a runner down the middle.
They wanted to build a little wall
half way up, but I told them that Daisy likes to look out from
her bed in the corner.  so
it is screen from top to bottom.

Life with dogs does present it's decorating challenges.

It all looks to bright and new.  I'll think
it will look more like home once a 
coat of dust settles on it all.

1 comment:

Debbi said...

I'm with you on the railing - it looks fantastic. I love the shutters, too.

I understand about life with indoor pets. Forget the dust, wait until everything is covered with fur. THEN it will look like home!