Tuesday, June 26, 2012

If you're going to San Francisco

be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.

Daisy went to get her hair done, today, and came home with
a flower behind each ear.

I had a hard time getting a good pic.

I think she had just had enough attention for the day.
"I vont to be alone."
(somebody famous said that in an old movie)

Barney  (in the background) is like "what's the big deal?"

He dodged the grooming bullet because
he has not been trying to dig his way to China.

So Daisy offered him a flower for his

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

My friend Debbie
is hosting a big father's day dinner, today.
Unlike some, (who will remain nameless)
she does not send her husband and father to the
Foodland to pick up hot dogs and sauce
already made up for 50 cents (60 cents if you want cheese)
and a bag of chips.
She cooks and they eat at a table
instead of in front of the TV whilst watching the US Open.

Anywho, I had picked her a bouquet from Patty's
hydrangea a few days ago (I'm watching
Patty's plants whilst she is out of town-wonder why she doesn't give me
the key to her house while she's gone?)
and she asked if they would last till Sunday. 
I told her  I could steal pick more on

So, this morning, still in
my jammies, I picked flowers from our own
beautiful beds.

I love a wild and woolly arrangement.

so does Daisy.

An here is Jack auditioning to be
a gardening angel.

Actually, he is just holding up prototype
of a tunic I plan to make.  I made this
out of muslin and curtain lining.

I need to make it a size bigger.

or make me a size smaller.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Quilting the wonky star

I don't know why I took a picture of'
the back of this quilt.  I could have pressed these
seams down better.  I kept reading about
quilters pressing seams open to make them
easier to machine quilt, so I gave it a try.  Probably
won't try it, again.

I spray basted this, and also did some pinning.
The pins kind of reminded me of ants going to a picnic.

Let the fun begin.

I'm planning to quilt diagonally in both directions.

I think this is going to take a while. 
I can get several lines of quilting done in an evening.

Only about 699,700 more to go.  But
whose counting?

So this will be doubling as a
sewing machine cover for a little

I have other machines so I can work
on other projects without disturbing my quilting set-up.

I'm gonna start a new diet today and I have a new
Pilates video.  I'm gonna have breakfast and then I'll watch the DVD
whilst I'm sewing. 

You will not recognize me the next time you see me.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

quilting the fox in the window quilt

Just posting some pics of quilting in progress with this sweet little quilt. 

This is the backing.  It was on sale and if your
not careful and look at it too long, you will
get sea sick.  I felt a little woozy while pressing it.

Pin basting is so much fun, I decided to baste this twice,. I got to
the bottom edge and found I needed about three inches more batting.
I know stuff like this happens, but I can't believe it happened
to me on an otherwise perfect sewing day.

Much better!!!

Let me introduce you to my sewing
support team. 
Snail (doesn't have a name)  reminds me to slow down.
Babe reminds me to keep it neat
and Bud Light Dog sniffs around
for loose threads.
(my studio doubles as a barn)

Thread, bobbins, ready, set, sew!!!!!!!!!!!

I almost forgot, my magic blue sewing slippers. (eat your
heart out Dorothy!)

You can see the pink sticky notes
I pinned to the quilt to remind me
which direction to sew in.
I pretty much ignored them.

I found that I should have put five or ten times
more pins in than I did.  I unsewed some, but after a while
I look at everything as an experiment and a
learning experience.  Like I tell my friend Debby, when she
wants to rip stuff out from to hell and back, or just cut the binding off
a quilt that is finished and start over
"this won't be your last quilt" and "there's plenty
of fabric where that came from."

The team seems pretty comfortable with how
it all turned out.

I am going to bind this by machine.  I usually attach by machine
then hand sew, but I feel like a new learning experience.

I'm off to buy a wide backing while the team takes a
rest.  The next quilt on the wall will be the biggest I've
quilted myself.  I'm letting myself off the
pieced backing hook so I don't have so many seams to
work with