Sunday, January 29, 2012

weekend update

Sounds like I got my own news show. 
I have been very busy keeping two
sewing machines going at high speed.

machine #1
(i know this is an ironing board-but these peaces were
sewn on my Juki)

If you think a lot of sewing goes into making a quilt,
you should see how much ironing goes into it.
Each seam has to be pressed, top and bottom.
I always think of this when people say they hate ironing.

It comes together by rows,

then by blocks.

Now lets move over to machine #2
 (and this really is a machine pic).

And here is the ironing board, again.

I am loving making these small project bags. 
I am going to put them in my Etsy shop.

They are reversible.

These photos are not very good, but this is a small project bag,
that matches a couple of knitting
kneedle (I love clever spelling)
cases I made.  They will also be in my Etsy shop.

As you can see, I need a professional intervention.

But I'm working on it.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

liar, liar, my pajamas are on fire

I lied.
Firstly, I said I wouldn't blog about a certain quilt until it was finished.  Well, I'm gonna blog about it now, and it's not finished.

Secondly, I lied because I said I wasn't gonna buy any fabric for it but was gonna use the 30's reproductions from my stash.  A lot of them are there, but some were anemic, so I had to go visit my friends at Sew Happy Quilting and pick up some fat quarters - some for this quilt, some for I don't know what.


Thirdly, I said I was gonna have all the 3 1/2 blocks (520 of them) ready to sew together today - I guess I still have time to redeem myself on this one.

I got a little bored and started experimenting...

so then I had to get out the camera.

and here I sit at my computer instead of my sewing machine.
but this is the only thing I've worked on since I started it 
(except for knitting triangle tuesday) and although
I have lots of ideas knocking around in my
head for my next project, I really can't blog about them
because I can't photograph the inside of my head.

Be thankful.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

wrapped and ready to go

My first sale on etsy.

This sweet little wool drawstring bag has been purchased,

and is all wrapped and ready to go.

Thanks, sister, for your order and helping me in this
exciting adventure.

And thanks to all of you who follow my blog. 
Be sure to check out my shop. 

I'm just getting started,
so check back often for new listings.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

a perfect day to sew

It's rainy and my studio is calling.
Let's see what we can get into.

It is hard to say no to such a cozy spot.

Why do I feel like I'm being watched???
(Can you count all the faces?)

Well, I have made some progress on the wonky
star quilt.  It's at this point in every quilt that
I think I need to go out and get more fabric
 (or start another project).
I'm holding myself back.  I'm just going to decide how big
I'm going to make this and move on.


Enough of this.  You won't see it, again, till
it's complete.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

another birthday surprise

They told me it said
"I heart quilts"

My silly friends were scheming while I was having fabric cut.  When I hooked up with them,  Debby wanted to take a picture.  I don't like to have my picture taken but these are such sweet friends and, thinking they just wanted a reminder of what fun we had shopping on my special day, I had to oblige them.


and I don't understand why everyone thinks it is so funny.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

happy birthday to me

Well, you'd think an old girl like me would quit having birthdays, but I decided to keep having them till I got a pair of socks knitted by my pal and knitting companion,

i know.  how special.
And there are only so many ways you can model socks. But, that didn't keep me from taking about fifteen pictures of the socks on my feet.  But I will spare you and only post a few.

Above is the shy sock pose.

This is the lazy sock pose.

The single sock pose. 
 (just like they come out of the dryer)
I know you will not be surprised when I get that call from Project Runway. 
Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks will be knocking on Debby's door
begging for a pair of these to wear in the Victoria Secret fashion show.
Can you see it?  Walking on the runway in nothing but socks and wings?


I almost forgot this is really supposed to be a quilting blog,
which brings me to my next special gift from my other pal and knitting buddy, Patty.  
Lovely quilty coasters. 
I will now be able to serve drinks in my studio. 
wearing my socks.
(and wings)
(and a halo)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year-New Quilt

I promised myself I would use fabric I have collected to make some quilts this year.
These are some left over 30's reproductions I used
in a small quilt a while back.

It is a wonky star block and I don't have to pin
as I sew.  This saves time, but in the end
I will be working with a lot of bias edges
which was a no-no when I learned to piece.  This
also seems to waste a lot of fabirc in the interest of being fast and
easy.  But, since I'm trying to use up fabric, this could be a good thing.

See where this is going?  I copied the idea from Elizabeth Hartman. 
Hers was spectacular when it was finished

I have a couple helpers so I'm sure to have this done in no time.

Stay tuned......