Friday, November 30, 2012

Tree Houses $8

I sewed and sewed and sewed and came up with eleven of these.

I thought these would be a simple and 
fast project.  Not!

I didn't like the first one I finshed, but had put so
much time into them I went ahead and finished
the rest.  Now I love them.

Too bad they have to go!!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

We'll always be your sugar!

Just what every girl wants
to hear the day before thanksgiving

"We'll always be your sugar!"

this is the first time I noticed this on the box. 

I usually just empty the contents into a tight lidded container
and toss the box.
Makes me wonder what else I might be missing?
some little surprise just waiting for me
to pay attention.

I admit, I am a person who spends a good deal of
time looking for inspiration on the Internet.
and all the time it was in my 
kitchen cupboard.

look what's on my kitchen counter.

needs a little more sugar


this is what happens when
you start baking early.

veeeeeeeery tasty!

Tom is in the oven.

This is a little quilt that I wasn't too
happy with, but it is really growing on me.

These need to have binding put on.

sew on

You'll always be my sugar!!!!!!!!!!1