Saturday, December 29, 2012


We get so excited about snow,
around here.
when snow is predicted, 
Jack watches the weather channel
like a kid tracking Santa on 
Christmas eve.

The pups love the snow, too.
Daisy runs around barking and trying
to catch the flakes on her tongue.  
Right now, she is trying to get Jack out of bed
so he can go outside and watch her.

Well, look who's coming over to play, today!!!!!!!!!

I will have warm biscuits ready
when he arrives.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


a little cross stitched gift made by 
Megan for me years and years ago
updated with a christmas tree border, quilted
and bound by me.

Are these reindeer tracks???

I believe so

blessings to all

Friday, December 21, 2012

winter wonderful!

I love to take pics
looking out my living room window
(i not so secretly spy on my neighbors-looks like John
took a snow day)As you can see, Sparky (aka Jack) is working
on getting on  HGTV for the Holidays.  He may end up on 
Holmes on Homes
because there are too many extension cords.
Stay tuned for the new year's fire works (oooops)

I found these two little elves at our
back door.

We are all wound up like 
little monkeys, here, 
waiting for the big man
to appear!


Friday, December 7, 2012

Our new watering hole

I spent the afternoon with
my brother, Harvey.
He found a new watering hole.

It has a great view! 

Oh, wait.
What's this? 

Some new grass?  Do you expect
me to roll my own???

almost lost my balance.

Wow, look what I can do.

 What's in this stuff???

I'm feeling a little mellow.
Can someone put on some James Taylor?

Hay man,
I don't know which end is up.

That was a close call.
Got any tuna salad?

Friday, November 30, 2012

Tree Houses $8

I sewed and sewed and sewed and came up with eleven of these.

I thought these would be a simple and 
fast project.  Not!

I didn't like the first one I finshed, but had put so
much time into them I went ahead and finished
the rest.  Now I love them.

Too bad they have to go!!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

We'll always be your sugar!

Just what every girl wants
to hear the day before thanksgiving

"We'll always be your sugar!"

this is the first time I noticed this on the box. 

I usually just empty the contents into a tight lidded container
and toss the box.
Makes me wonder what else I might be missing?
some little surprise just waiting for me
to pay attention.

I admit, I am a person who spends a good deal of
time looking for inspiration on the Internet.
and all the time it was in my 
kitchen cupboard.

look what's on my kitchen counter.

needs a little more sugar


this is what happens when
you start baking early.

veeeeeeeery tasty!

Tom is in the oven.

This is a little quilt that I wasn't too
happy with, but it is really growing on me.

These need to have binding put on.

sew on

You'll always be my sugar!!!!!!!!!!1

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I want to keep this for myself

I was going through extreme withdrawal 
from sewing.  After spending two days of craft showing and then
a MAJOR clean up of 
the studio after weeks of crafting, I had a 
pincushion to make.

I joined a pincushion swap a 
while back, never dreaming I would not be able to decide
what to make.  The deadline for mailing
is tomorrow, and it is all wrapped and ready to go.

It is actually a little sewing kit and this is what it 
looks like rolled up.  the pincushion
is inside.

this is what the outside looks like unrolled.
(Yes, it is the elephant fabric in a different color, but not
nearly as much of it. )

a closer look at it rolled up, tied with twill tape.

the hexies are the first ones I've made.  It is 
a technique called "english paper piecing".
I pieced three together, appliqued them to the 
front, then quilted around them with a hand dyed purl cotton.

I added one to the pincushion.  this is the inside.  the top and 
bottom pieces are pockets.  I
intended to put something in them
for the photos.  You can't tell,
but the bottom pocket is 
divided into three sections.

(the pig and the snail in front of the 
teacup were gifts and are two of my sewing mascots)

the only rule for the swap was to 
use green, blue and orange with
the addition of brown or black so 
I took that to mean linen, since linen is
the new black.

none of the fabric was bought
for this particular project and I
love the way it turned out.

Wish you didn't have to go,no, no, no, no.

Friday, October 26, 2012

there is nothing like craft show food!!!!!!!!

I have to tell you that if you ever have the opportunity to sit all day where church ladies
 donated home made cookies, cakes, pies, and brownies, take advantage of it!!!
I had my first piece of lemon
pie, today, and it was amazingly tasty!!!

For lunch, I had the best hot dog with sauce of my whole life.

This is my dear friend, Craftshow Debby.
(make coffee, not war)

She made my fabulous sign.

and helped with styling my stuff.

It was a fun day, and tomorrow
I will do it, again.

Except for the pie, which is all gone.