Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year-New Quilt

I promised myself I would use fabric I have collected to make some quilts this year.
These are some left over 30's reproductions I used
in a small quilt a while back.

It is a wonky star block and I don't have to pin
as I sew.  This saves time, but in the end
I will be working with a lot of bias edges
which was a no-no when I learned to piece.  This
also seems to waste a lot of fabirc in the interest of being fast and
easy.  But, since I'm trying to use up fabric, this could be a good thing.

See where this is going?  I copied the idea from Elizabeth Hartman. 
Hers was spectacular when it was finished

I have a couple helpers so I'm sure to have this done in no time.

Stay tuned......

1 comment:

Debby said...

Oh Jenny, it's looking great! love the colors.Debby