Monday, May 26, 2014

my boys

A huge Memorial Day at the Carr's

We got our first pocket hose.  I bought  two, and the first one burst right off.  We decided to go ahead and try the second one.

Quote of the day is from Jack,
"It's growing".

The second hose seems to be working.  And when he is done, he
can put it in his pocket.
Pretty amazing!

Here is Cody in our Victory Garden. 
Three tomato plants

Our Victory Garden and my big toe.

 Can you see Cody on the left of the flag box?

"here I am"

 Behind the gazing ball?

Just sniffing around.

do you see what I see?

I got your butt.

Cody likes to hop in the middle of the day lillies.

Handsome Barney behind the bunny and Cody over to the right
in the honey suckle.

"Hey, Cody, smile for the camera."

"That's more like it."

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