Friday, May 25, 2012

I never promised you a rose garden

I married Jack because of his
ability to wield a shovel (and a watering can) and I wanted a border
of perennials.  He was also pretty funny with the
(garden) hose.

Of course, the trees in our neighbor's yard soon
shaded the border and we've had to
move stuff around, and every year is different.

I snapped a few pics (73) but had a problem with the
sun either in my eyes or sending my shadow through the middle.

For those of you who don't know me,
I'm really much taller and thinner.

Mushrooms make pretty cool shadows, too.

I love the white dots of clover in
the grass.

A mound of really good smelling honey suckle.

A lone poppy.

All of our bird houses are occupied.

this guy does not trust me.

Daisy waiting for a chipmunk.

A little pot of something.

We usually kill our clematis, but this
seems pretty tough.

Blue and white spider wart.  Only blooms in the morning
so I get such a treat with my coffee.

What's this?

My new rose garden planted by....

the other shadow.

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